

2012-07-30 21:25  四川在线




Leah(from goodfon.com)

Leah(from goodfon.com)



所有的这些点便是该游戏另一个糟糕故事安排的表现:引入一个女性角色只是想要表达女性角色的存在罢了。也就是说Leah在游戏中的存在毫无意义,我们可以随便用任何魔法对象取代她(如黑灵石)。而《星际争霸》中的Kerrigan则是一个非常 的角色设计,并且最终成为了《星际争霸》主题中的关键点。

Leah设置存在的另一大问题便是违背了《暗黑破坏神》的宇宙主题:堕落。游戏的背景以及之前的游戏都是关于好人遭到侵蚀而衍生出了邪恶力量,包括Leoric,Tal Rasha,黑暗流浪者以及《暗黑破坏神1》中的盗贼。让玩家根据占有物选择从“善良”转变成“邪恶”却是一种糟糕的讲故事方式。


不管是新图像引擎还是平台都不能够取代故事发展在游戏中的意义。就像我上述所提到的,一个 的故事虽然不能拯救一款糟糕的游戏,但是它却能够提升游戏质量并使它成为经典。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

Bad Story Writing in Games: Featuring Diablo 3

Josh Bycer

Story writing is an art-form in and of itself, and one area where most games falter. Personally, I always prefer great gameplay over a great story. But a game with an amazing story can turn a good game, into an excellent one. With all the time spent playing Diablo 3, I had a chance to examine the story and in my opinion it doesn’t compare to Diablo 2.

Diablo 3 featured several problems that are inherent of bad story telling in general. Now, Diablo 3 isn’t the only game that has made these mistakes, but it’s the most recent one and a game I’m sure a lot of people have played. Of course, what follows is open season for spoilers so if you haven’t played Diablo 3 yet, you may want to avoid reading this.

1. Faulty World Logic:

One of the biggest challenges when creating a fantasy setting is defining the rules of the world. In a real world setting, the writer already has this taken care of. But a misconception is that just because the world is based in fantasy that things don’t have to make sense.

If in the first 10 minutes the story declares that only Orcs can use magic, then having every single race cast spells two hours in is an example of lazy writing. One of the hallmarks of a great writer is being able to create a universe or setting that stays consistent in the rules established.

Each Harry Potter movie did a good job in showing how the world works. By taking place in Hogwarts, it allows both the main characters and the audience to see firsthand the rules of the setting. How potions work, spells are cast and the laws of the society for example.

Now, setting up world logic doesn’t mean you have to explain how everything works to the audience, only the relevant parts matter. For example, I’m a huge fan of the works of Miyazaki and one area that his movies excel in, is the setting. Each movie takes place in a completely unique setting with its own rules, laws and people. The stories never truly explain how the entire world works, only the parts that fit into the narrative and character’s lives.

In Howl’s Moving Castle, Howl knows a number of people from before the events of the movie, but the audience is never told just exactly how he knows these people. Instead, we find out their motivations for how they respond to Howl in the present and how it affects the world.

With that said we can turn out attention to Diablo 3 for this point. The problems with Diablo 3 are that the logic of the world is never really explained or fits with the narrative.

First off, it’s never explained why returning enemies: The Butcher, Izual, and The Skeleton King were brought back to life after being defeated in previous games. Diablo gets a pass for being reborn in Leah’s body, but it’s to our understanding that once a demon is killed, they’re gone for good.

Speaking about the Skeleton King, his whole appearance in Diablo 3 is full of plot holes. Why is he a ghost for the first encounter? What happened to the person he cursed? And why is the crown so important to defeating him?

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