

2012-08-02 22:58  四川在线


  I am a member of the College of _____.



  Statics — Builders and architects make up the College of Statics, and we build to last. Some call us conservative, but we excel at creating new designs, using old materials in innovative ways, and expanding the purview of known magics for practical application.
  静态 — 建筑师和设计师组成了静态学院,我们为长远而建造。有些人说我们保守,但是我们致力新的设计,以革新的方式使用旧材料,并且用魔法的应用扩展自己的视野。



  Dynamics — The College of Dynamics produces gizmo-makers extraordinaire. Energy, enthusiasm, and boldness are our best qualities. We believe in leveraging the expendable nature of all things. If a prototype explodes, it isn't a failure unless the lesson goes unlearned.
  动态 — 动态学院制造卓越的小器械制造机。精力旺盛,热情,不惧失败使我们的品质。我们致力于改变所有事物的可塑性。如果一个实验对象爆炸了,那不意味着失败 — 除非你没有吸取教训。



  Synergetics — As members of the College of Synergetics, we study how energy patterns form and alchemagical fractals propagate. Few beyond our college understand the philosophical and mystical complexities of our interests. We devoutly research the true nature of the Eternal Alchemy.
  协同 — 作为协同学院的一员,我们学习能源的规律形态和炼金的分形传播。我们学院外几乎没有人懂得我们爱好的内在哲理和神秘的复杂性。我们虔心地研究无尽炼金的真实含义。

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